Thanks for taking the time to read this, it means a whole lot to me and my fellow friends
I posted about a week ago that we would be doing a 48 hour marathon for a charity. Now we all understand that smoking can be very bad at times, some people live with a lot of complications, while others pass away.
We do not want any others dying from this point on.
August 5th will be the date that we start our marathon for those in need.
----New---- The time starting will be at
6PM Eastern. Which means I will be starting at
3PM western!
We can't do this alone and all of you know that. Not only to us, but to the rest of the world, you will be a hero.
I hope to see all of you here ---->
Twitch.tv/malduce More information will be posted in the near future
Also we will be featuring Minecraft on the stream! Many other games will be added overtime
Follow and i guarantee you won't miss!
Everyone if you wouldn't mind spreading this around to other streamers and such! That would be amazing