1. What is your Minecraft name? Myrddin
2. What would you bring to our server to enhance it? I like to think I'm a decent builder, but I'd probably be lying. I'm a pretty social person, like to have fun and mess around.
3. What kind of things would you do on the server? Well, build would be an obvious answer. I figured an example of something I've done would be a good thing to include in this, but apparently I am unable to post links; so no sweet dojo for you(D:) . I've always wanted to get on a community build project, so I'd be more than willing to participate in events like that. I'd go so far as to help plan it out, but I'd probably be pretty crappy at that.
4. Do you watch any of the casters on our front page? I watch Tom or Josh on a daily basis provided they are casting. I've watched Baiten's stream on occasion, but only followed recently, Tom has been followed for the better part of the year and I've been following Josh since Tom successfully bugged him into casting.
5. Would you be willing to donate monthly to keep our server up? Already have.