1. Zieno
2. baby dicks Awesome piston and redstone creations! I have recently gotten into all that redstone stuff, so i might try making cool stuff with it on the server, I would also help people out if they need it, I would also be very active on it! :3
3. Make redstone creations, my house, awesome buildings, maybe a maze or two, and help people, or just go cave exploring with pals! :3
4. Yup Tom, Josh, and Beau.
5. Depends when I get my new Desktop, because that will be VERY expensive if I get it soon I will be able to donate maybe 1-5 bucks a month, or week, it all depends if I have money, or get my Desktop, I'm not promising I will, but I most defiantly will try to.
And that's all!
P.S. If you know me, you know I loved having the server up and was EXTREMELY active :p