Hey guys
Hopefully you recognize me from the channel but if you don't..
I'm DuffChick (or commonly called Duffy in chat) and Ive been on JTV for something like... 3 years? You'll most likely find me roaming in channels about gaming or animated movies/series. I don't personally broadcast because my laptop is absolute shit but I do spend
a lot of time here. I even tend to have this playing in the background as I work on animations and drawings. I used to do that with TV but lets face it -- TV sucks now.
I'm a Classical Animator (which is why I'm so opinionated when it comes to animation), and all my art related stuff can be found on this forum topic
http://www.bu-gaming.com/t314-duffchick58-sheryl-vedamani-deviantart I dont take commissions but I do enjoy suggestions for what to draw next so go ahead and post or pm me some ideas