1. Before a member does any trading, please note that in the event of any false advertisement of product, or mishap in deliverance of the product, Borderline Gaming does not hold any responsibility.
The interactions between merchant and consumer is strictly between them and all faults will fall on either member of the party within the given transaction(s).
2. If a problem does occur during a transaction, the person(s) found guilty will be removed from the forum and their IP will be blocked, along with any other privileges they have attained.
3. In the process of determining the guilty party, if the merchant is titled as fraud, the thread will be closed and removed, along with the merchant. On the flip-side, if the consumer is found guilty, then the actions of Term 2 (Please see above) will come into effect and the thread will remain open with the merchant maintaining control.
If you agree to the above terms, then please proceed to posting your thread.